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More than 10,000 men break Saman dance record in Indonesia

12.262 penari saman menggetarkan Stadion Seribu Bukit Gayo Lues.#rekormuri #tarisaman #Saman10001 #GayoLues pic.twitter.com/AaDN7bPmdj

Aug. 15 (UPI) -- Thousands of men in Indonesia gathered to set a new record for participating in a traditional dance.

About 12,262 people gathered for the event known as "10,001 Saman Dancers" to set a world record for participating in the Saman dance at Thousand Hills Stadium in Gayo Lues.

The Indonesian Museum of Records archived the event as the record for the most Saman Dance participants.

"This 10,001 Saman Dancers event will remind people, especially the youngsters of Syekh Samman, who made the country proud through his work," Gayo Lues Regent Ibnu Hasyim told the Jakarta Post.

The Saman dance involves long lines of seated dancers performing slow swaying movements that rapidly increase while alternating with a partner.

"Saman Dance has a high difficulty level; mastering it requires a high physical endurance, quick and synchronized body movement between dancers and understanding of the song," Ibnu said.

The event on Sunday topped the previous record of 5,057 Saman dancers set in 2014.

"This event is a collaboration between Aceh and Gayo Lues administrations. After being awarded as a world heritage by UNESCO, Saman Dance doesn't just belong to the people of Gayo Lues, but also to the world; let's preserve it together," head of the Aceh Tourism Agency, Reza Pahlevi, said.


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